About Us

Connection Camp Staff are a diverse group of leaders who are joining forces to create the summer camp we wish we could have attended as teenagers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower teenagers by providing a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment where they can openly discuss, learn about, and understand the dynamics of healthy relationships.

Our Vision

Through a week-long program, we aspire to foster respect, self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills, equipping our campers with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate their relationships positively and confidently. We are committed to promoting personal growth, understanding, and mutual respect among all participants, reinforcing the importance of kindness, acceptance, and compassion in all interactions.

Our Theory of Learning

At Connection Camp, we believe that teaching at camp is more like gardening than programming - we sow seeds, remove weeds, and steward growth that occurs. We are all about using various teaching methods: Large groups, small groups, through experiential learning and with gamified concepts! We like to model and embody what we teach.

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

— Marianne Williamson

Meet the Team

  • Julia Sheldon

    DIRECTOR she/her

    Julia is a Sex & Relationship Educator for Teens known as Ask Auntie Julia. She has been working with teens for 25 years (since before she was a teen) with many different organizations and companies, including but not limited to CISV Canada, Camp Can-Aqua, Rainbow Mentors, Planned Parenthood, and Studio Dreamshare. Julia has a degree in Sexuality, Marriage, & Family Studies from St. Jerome’s University.

    Julia lives in Guelph on Haudenosaunee land with her partner, their dog, and a housemate. She loves to read, travel, and is a theatre enthusiast. You will catch Julia hugging trees, throwing axes, using ALL of the facial expressions, and laughing loudly at oh so many things - including her own ADHD silliness.

  • Naryan Wong


    Naryan is a leadership consultant by day and a DJ by night. He works with leaders in some of the world's largest companies to lead with more empathy, compassion, and self-trust. He brings that same skill set to his work with local communities, holding events and parties that invite friends into their most alive and connective selves.

    Naryan lives downtown Toronto, but loves to escape into nature for kayaking, forest dance parties, hiking, and camping. He used to breakdance, but has no idea how to do the worm. He used to parkour, but can no longer do a flip. Naryan used to work as a camp counsellor, but will need some help remembering the words to camp songs!

  • Mourer Rodrigues Cruvinel


    Mo is a Brazilian student/traveler visiting family in Canada. They have worked with Julia at Leadership Camp last summer, and volunteered at the community arts collective, Studio Dreamshare.

    Mo has a background in massage therapy and meditation. They love to support loved ones, dance to any music (in their head or on speakers), work and be in community, and play video games with friends.

  • Dexter L'Amarca


    Dexter is an entrepreneur who thrives on chaos in some aspects. He has two boys at home who are his whole world. He volunteers regularly with the Kitchener Soccer Club, coaching youth soccer in the summer and winter months. He also does panels and youth education groups through a few different organizations in the Kitchen Waterloo region.

    Dexter has a passion for seeing society accept that we are all humans as the new norm; he struggles with how much everything is based on gender and cannot wait for the day we are all humans, and that's it. He loves being a dad to 2 boys and 2 dogs. Dexter is a limited edition who is silly, strong, smart and an absolute class act.

  • Kieran Deshevy


    Kieran is a Program Coordinator at Rainbow Mentors, planning fun and educational events for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. They have also volunteered at SHORE Centre helping educate youth about identity, communication, and consent, and at the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory helping to educate people about bugs and their importance in nature. They are passionate about education, nature, and bugs. In no particular order.

  • Emmi Doerr


    Emmi is a registered Social Service Worker and has been completing her Bachelor of Arts in Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies from St. Jerome’ s University for the past few years.

    Emmi lives in Waterloo with her partner and rescue dog. She has worked for day camps and overnight camps since she was 15. Emmi enjoys hiking, reading, and knitting. She is passionate about accessible programming, creating inclusive environments, and cuddling dogs.

  • Lizzsea Shipman - Chef


    Lizzsea Shipman (she/her/they) has been cooking up a storm for camps and festivals for the past 15 years. She loves making and sharing food, as well as growing it!

    You can find her under an elderberry tree or digging up some potatoes. She’s gardened and farmed in backyards, small farms and ran a bustling community urban farm out in the Lawrence - Neptune area of Toronto for 3 years.

    Her love of plants and bugs, finds its way into her poems, where she writes about sunlight and the seasons. She’s been writing and performing her works, and has a new book coming out this summer.

  • Chef
