Camp Policies

Electronics Policy

A recent study out of the University of Utah shows that without phones, campers have a greater understanding of social cues, form stronger friendships, and get to leave the real world behind for a short time. With that in mind, we have very strict phone rules at camp. Please remember that we are together for only one week, and we want each person to be fully immersed in the camp experience to get the most out of our week together. 

Camp is a no Wi-Fi site. Each cabin has 2 outlets only. 

Devices with screens may not be used at camp.

Consent for photos must always be asked and given. 

Private posts only, with no location or personal information shared. This is extremely important to protect the physical safety of campers. 

Connection Camp will be taking photos and videos throughout the week to use on our social media as promotional materials - after camp ends. Camp staff will be responsible for time at camp, though we encourage wearing watches if campers prefer to know the time.

Electronics allowed at camp: digital cameras, music players, readers

Electronics not allowed: tablets, iPads, any Nintendo product, any Leapster product, Sony PSP, anything that connects to a cell network. Any device that can be used as a telephone, to watch TV or movies or videos, to play games, to download or upload any data is NOT permitted at camp. Any device like this will be held in a locked cabinet to be retrieved at the end of camp.


Shortly before Camp, guardians will be given a phone number that may be used at any time. Campers may use this phone to call guardians if they so wish.

Nut-Aware Facility

Connection Camp is hosted at Five Oaks, a nut-aware facility. We will ensure that no nuts are used in the kitchen or served as part of meals or snacks.

First Aid

All Staff are First Aid, AED & CPR-C certified by St. John’s Ambulance. Several staff are also Mental Health First Aid certified by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.


Depending on the severity of a camper's misbehaviour, consequences may be: 

  1. Camper 'grounded' to leader

  2. Camper removed from activity 

  3. Some creative work detail (ie: cleaning washrooms, picking up garbage) 

  4. Camper is sent home*

    *The severity of misconduct which could call for a camper to be sent home include, but is not limited to, repeat misconduct after consequences have been given, misconduct that compromises the safety of any person on site, use of illegal drugs or alcohol, etc.

No Smoking

Connection Camp is a smoke-free facility.


Camp will follow the motto of “leave no trace behind” and “if you see trash, toss it out” for maintaining a general cleanliness of all areas. Cleanliness and tidiness is a community effort. 

Campers will be reminded on the first day that cleanliness and following facility rules helps to develop healthy connection with the community beyond the camp (Five Oaks for Summer 2025). 

Staff and campers will set-up and take-down after program activities. Campers will be encouraged to keep track of their belongings during daily cabin cleaning. 

Camper cabins: it is expected that campers participate in daily cabin clean-up. Campers will tidy their rooms by keeping the floors clear, keeping bathrooms tidy (products grouped together as possible), making their bed, and keeping towels off the floor. 

Food and garbage will be kept to a minimum in cabin rooms. 

A checklist will be posted for campers for cabin cleaning time.

Dishes: Campers will be responsible for washing dishes after meals on a rotating schedule, with the help of a few Staff.

Camper Code of Conduct

At Camp, we take care of each other’s well-being by:

  • Treating everyone - including ourselves - with dignity, compassion, patience, and respect

  • Understanding our own limits by paying attention to our feelings

  • Sharing openly and listening patiently

  • Asking for support as we need it, especially when challenging emotions show-up

  • Following our curiosity while respecting each other’s privacy

  • Believing other people when they tell us how they’re feeling and what they need

  • Focusing on solutions to problems that are inclusive, empowering, and allow everyone to learn from our experiences

    Connection Camp is committed to providing a safe, friendly and respectful environment for all of its staff, campers, and volunteers.  Abusive behavior will not be tolerated, and complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with in a spirit of compassion and justice. This means that employees, volunteers, campers and others using Connection Camp Facilities are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect. Discrimination or harassment on such grounds as ethnic background, sex, religion, family status, disability, political beliefs, or sexual orientation are against the law, and are not acceptable in Connection Camp programs or on premises. 

No Alcohol or Illegal Drugs

Connection Camp does not tolerate or allow the use of alcohol or illicit drugs. Prescription medication are the only drugs allowed onsite.

Personal Items/Valuables

Campers and staff are encouraged not to bring valuables to camp. We cannot guarantee that important items will maintain their condition while at camp. Digital cameras, music players, and readers are the electronics that are allowed and encouraged. The responsibility of their care lies with the person to whom they belong.

If an item goes missing, we will all work together to locate the missing item. There will be a Lost & Found box in the Dining Hall.


  • Campers should not share hats, brushes or combs, face cloths or toothbrushes.

  • Individuals should not share make-up.

  • Individuals should not share water bottles.

  • Campers and Staff all wash their hands thoroughly (with soap) prior to meals.

  • Campers and Staff reapply sunscreen and bug repellent several times a day. (Make sure to apply the spray varieties outside and not in the cabins).

  • Because we are encouraging environmental awareness, the showers are to be used at least 3 times per camper through the week.